Cooley Parish
The Archdiocesan youth ministry team and Cooley Parish will host a youth ministry moment on Wednesday 21st September 2022.
The evening will focus on this years theme for the Season of Creation which is ‘Listening to God’s creation. It commences with a short liturgy focused on creation, and hospitality will be provided afterwards.
Note that this evening counts towards the hours needed for the Pope John Paul II Award.

St. Peter’s Drogheda
The Archdiocesan youth ministry team and Cooley Parish will host a youth ministry moment on Tuesday 20th September 2022.
The evening will focus on this years theme for the Season of Creation which is ‘Listening to God’s creation. It commences with a short liturgy focused on creation, and hospitality will be provided afterwards.
Note that this evening counts towards the hours needed for the Pope John Paul II Award.