Easter Sunday
Children’s Resource
Easter Sunday
Today is Easter Sunday, this is the day we celebrate that Jesus has risen from the Dead.
We want to share this good news, JESUS IS ALIVE!
The Resurrection Garden
The resurrection garden has become a feature in many of our churches over the years, from the Easter vigil until the end of the Easter season.
The garden is a visual aid for us to meditate on the glorious mystery of the resurrection. We see the stone rolled back for the entrance to the empty tomb. We see the neatly folded cloth that covered the face of Jesus. The beautiful flowers and butterflies are a symbol of new life.
This Easter we cannot enter our churches due to Covid 19. I would like to invite to make your own Easter garden, if you have children, this is an ideal opportunity as a family to reflect on Gods presence in your life, family and home this Easter.
Once you have completed your garden, I invite you to pray the 1st Glorious Mystery of the Holy Rosary, the resurrection of Our Lord from the dead.
Our Father…….x 1
Hail Mary….... x 10
Glory be to the Father……. x 1
Create an Easter Garden:
Ask the Children to make some flowers.
To make flowers see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9EKcBoLIfQ
See if you have a large stone in the garden or the children can draw the scene.
You will need a small white cloth, neatly folded.
Create a Sacred Space
You will need:
A white cloth
A candle (if using a real candle, make sure the Adult lights it)
A Bible or Cross
Things to Do…
Make the sign of the Cross
Say the Sorry Prayer
Oh my God, I thank You for loving me.
I am sorry for all my sins,
for not loving others and not loving You.
Help me to live like Jesus and not sin again.
Sing together the Alleluia song (tune of if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands)
Alleluia, alleluia, praise the Lord,
Alleluia, alleluia, praise the Lord,
As we listen to the story,
Let us praise Him for His glory.
Alleluia, alleluia, praise the Lord.
Children’s version of the Gospel for Easter Sunday.
Read the Gospel to the Children, read only the verses below.
Ask the children to listen carefully.
John 20:1-9 (ICB)
Jesus’ Tomb Is Empty
Early on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb. It was still dark. Mary saw that the large stone had been moved away from the tomb. So Mary ran to Simon Peter and the other follower (the one Jesus loved). Mary said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb. We don’t know where they have put him.”
So, Peter and the other follower started for the tomb. They were both running, but the other follower ran faster than Peter. So, the other follower reached the tomb first. He bent down and looked in. He saw the strips of linen cloth lying there, but he did not go in. Then following him came Simon Peter. He went into the tomb and saw the strips of linen lying there. He also saw the cloth that had been around Jesus’ head. The cloth was folded up and laid in a different place from the strips of linen. Then the other follower, who had reached the tomb first, also went in. He saw and believed. (These followers did not yet understand from the Scriptures that Jesus must rise from death.)
Intercessory Prayers for Children:
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross of us, and taking away our sins.
Lord hear our prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for the joy of Your resurrection, so that we can enjoy new life in You.
Lord hear our prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, today we pray for the Christian community as we celebrate your resurrection physically. Help us to unite in prayer for the glory of God the Father.
Lord hear our prayer
Dear Lord Jesus, today we remember all who have died from the Coronavirus or because of the war in Ukraine, we pray that they too are celebrating and sharing in Your resurrection.
Lord hear our prayer.
Dear Lord Jesus, today we pray for all the sick in our community, country and the world because of war, famine and other illnesses. We also remember in our prayers, those who look after them.
Lord hear our prayer.
Dear Lord Jesus, we pray especially for Pope Francis, Archbishop Eamon, Bishop Michael, Cardinal Sean, all our Priests and Deacons. We pray that they will be guided and comforted by Your Holy Spirit.
Lord hear our prayer.
Mention your own special intentions.
Lord hear our prayer
We pray the Our Father……………………….