Additional Resources for Reflection & Prayer
Sacred Space IE
About Sacred Space
Sacred Space is inspired by the spirituality of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. It is a ministry of the Irish Jesuits and offers daily reflective prayers and scripture texts that have their foundation in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuit order that he founded.
The website can be accessed by clicking the link below:
Pray daily with Pope Francis
Pope Francis’ Click to Pray
In January 2019 Pope Francis launched a website and app to encourage Catholics around the world to pray with him.
Click to Pray tells the user what the pontiff is praying for on a given day, month or during special moments in the life of the church. We all recognise how interconnected we now are and as Christians and global citizens we face critical issues such as conflict, forced migration and ecological change.
The website and the app are important resources that will allow individuals and parish communities to join Pope Francis throughout the Diocesan year of Reflection and Prayer.
The app can be accessed via Apple app store or via Google Play
The website can be accessed by clicking the link below:
Costal Rosary Ireland
Rosary 1 in 10 Campaign
The Rosary 1 in 10 campaign has set the goal of having 1 in 10 Irish People praying the Rosary Daily. Irish people and indeed many people in the Archdiocese of Armagh hold a special place in their hearts for Our Lady and the Rosary.
Coastal Rosary Ireland’s website offers some wonderful resources and ideas that can be utilized during the year of reflection and prayer.
The website and its resources can be accessed by clicking the links below:
Liturgical Seasons of the Church
For an explanation of the Liturgical Seasons of the Church click below:
Why we use candles for prayer?
For an explanation of why we use candles for prayer click below:
Why we use music in worship/prayer?
For an explanation of why we use music in worship/prayer for click below:
Why we use incense in worship/prayer?
For an explanation of why we use incense in worship/prayer for click below:
What is Benediction?
For an explanation of what Benediction is click below:
The Power of intercessory prayer & the Power of Silence in Prayer.
For an explanation of the power of intercessory prayer is click below:
What are Novenas?
For an explanation of the power of intercessory prayer is click below:
Opening the Scriptures - Lent 2020, click below:
Praying with scripture, click below:
Trócaire Resources
Trócaire was established in 1973. Its mandate is to support the most vulnerable people in the developing world, while also raising awareness of injustice and global poverty in Ireland.
For those individuals and Parishes that wish to reflect, this year, on critical issues such as poverty, injustice and the global ecological crisis; Trócaire have some rich Parish Resources.
The resources can be accessed by clicking the link below:
Ignatian Resources
Essential Ignatian Resources
The Society of Jesus ( The Jesuits) have created some inciteful resources that can aid the reflection process during this year of reflection & prayer. The website also has some quality resources on leadership and planning. During this year of Reflection and Prayer we urge all to consider particularly the resources on “Discernment”.
The website and its resources can be accessed by clicking the link below:
Loyola Press: Some Useful Resources
Loyola Press is a Jesuit ministry, their website offers some rich resources for individuals, families and parishes. All their online resources are free and have “Printer Friendly” versions of them. Some useful links for families, Parish prayer groups and communities engaging in reflection and prayer are listed below. We urge all to explore the wealth of other resources available on their website.
Personal Prayer: https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/prayer/personal-prayer-life
Traditional Catholic Prayer: https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/prayer/traditional-catholic-prayers
Praying as a family: https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/family/praying-as-a-family
Praying with children: https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/family/praying-as-a-family/praying-with-children-blessings-and-family-prayers
Children’s Prayers: https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/prayer/childrens-prayers
Family, Faith & Fun: https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/family/family-faith-and-fun
Leading a Prayer Service: https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/parish-ministry/leading-prayer/leading-a-prayer-service-part-1
10 Ways to Improve Group Discussions: https://www.loyolapress.com/our-catholic-faith/parish-ministry/planning/10-ways-to-improve-group-religion-discussions
Aid to the Church in Need Prayer Resources
Aid to the Church in Need is Ireland’s leading charity for protecting the rights of Christians and supporting the suffering and persecuted Church. These prayer resources can help parishes, communities and individuals reflect and pray on what it means to be Christian in todays world, what it means to bear witness to the faith we hold dear and to discern what action is right for each of us.
The website can be accessed by clicking the link below: