Good Friday
Children’s Resource
Good Friday Stations of the Cross
Today we remember the suffering (Passion) and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. We do this today by praying the stations of the cross. The stations of the cross help us reflect on Jesus’s journey to his death on the cross.
Create your own stations of the Cross.
You will need;
A lollypop stick or you can use a stick or twigs to make your crosses and some string to tie the crosses together or glue. (Grown up assistance maybe required)
You will need 14 crosses altogether, one for each station.
If you have space you can create a sacred space with all 14 crosses.
Or you can use a space in your garden or yard.
For very young children you can pray the stations of the cross by using this clip:
1st Station
Jesus is told that he is to die on a cross, by a man called Pontius Pilate who was a Roman and governor of Judaea. Jesus was innocent of all the crimes He was accused of. People told lies about Him, because He was loved by His followers.
Dear Jesus, help me to be honest with myself and others. Help me to be kind and not make up lies to hurt others.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us Pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
2nd Station
Jesus receives His cross.
The cross is very heavy and Jesus has a long way to go, to the place where He is to die.
Dear Jesus, sometimes I find life hard, help me carry my little crosses through life, remembering that you carried all my hurt and sins on a big cross.
Lord hear my prayer
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
3rd Station
Jesus falls the first time.
The cross is very heavy and the road is long. Jesus is very tired, but the soldiers shout at Jesus to get up and to hurry up.
Dear Jesus, help me to always try and do my best in life, in school and with friendships. If I make a mistake, help me to pick myself up and try again and never to give up hope.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
4th Station
Jesus meets His mother.
Mary sees how much her Son Jesus is suffering; her heart is breaking. Mary knows that God the Father is with Jesus and Her during this very sad time.
Dear Jesus, thank you for my parents and their love. Sometimes I do not show or tell my parents how must I love them. Help me to be more considerate to my parents.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
5th Station
Simon helps Jesus carry His cross.
Simon is watching Jesus as He struggles to carry the heavy cross. The soldiers can also see Jesus is too tired to carry the cross alone, so, they make Simon help, Simon didn’t really want to help Jesus because he was afraid.
Dear Jesus, help me to always do the right thing, especially when I don’t want to or if I am afraid of what others think of me.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
6th Station
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.
A lady named Veronica took pity on Jesus and she went to Him and wiped the blood and sweat from the face of Jesus.
Dear Jesus, help me to be like Veronica and care for others. Help me to be brave and stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
7th Station
Jesus falls a second time.
Jesus is so tired now; the cross is very heavy. The soldiers and many people are shouting at Jesus they call him hurtful names. This makes Jesus very sad.
Dear Jesus, often I make the same mistakes over and over again. Help me to remember the hurt and disappointment it causes when I do not try to correct myself first. Please give me the courage to change my bad habits.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
8th Station
Jesus meets the women.
Jesus meets some women who are crying for Him. They are sad to see their friend Jesus suffering and in pain. Jesus tells them not to cry for Him, but to take care of each other and their children.
Dear Jesus, help me to be a good and loyal friend, just like the loyal friends you had, the women who walked with you on your journey to the cross. Help me offer my friendship even through the difficult times.
Lord hear my prayer
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
9th Station
Jesus falls a third time.
Jesus has no energy left, he is struggling to breath in the heat and the dust. He falls to the ground under the weight of the heavy cross. He asks God to give Him the strength to keep going. Jesus gets up and carries on the journey.
Dear Jesus, sometimes I feel tired and sad and I don’t want to do the things I am supposed to, like going to school, doing chores and homework. Help me lord to pick myself up and carry on, never giving up hope in you.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
10th Station
The soldiers take away Jesus clothes.
Jesus reaches the place where he is to die. The soldiers take away his robe and almost all his clothing, expect for one piece of cloth. Jesus is exhausted from the long journey.
Dear Jesus, help me to realise how lucky I am. There are many people around the world that have nothing, not even food or clothes. Help me to be more thankful for clothes on my back and the food in my belly.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
11th Station
Jesus is nailed to the cross.
The soldiers put long nails into the hands and feet of Jesus and nail Him to the cross. Jesus is really suffering in great pain.
Dear Jesus, many people are suffering and are in pain today. Please help all of those suffering from war and the Coronavirus.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
12th Station
Jesus dies on the cross.
Jesus sees His mother and His best friend John near the cross. He said to His mother Mary, mother here is your son and to His best friend he said, friend here is your mother. From that day on Jesus’ friend John looked after Mary. Jesus knew He was going to die soon; He looked to heaven and asked His father to forgive the people who hurt Him. Then Jesus bowed His head and died on the cross.
Dear Jesus, from the cross You forgave every person that hurt You. You even gave us Your mother Mary. Help me to forgive people that hurt me and help me not to hurt other people too.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
13th Station
Jesus’ body is taken down from the cross and placed in the arms of His mother Mary. Mary’s heart is full of pain as she holds her Son Jesus.
Dear Jesus, your mother Mary was so sad when you died. Thank you for giving me your mother Mary so that I can send my prayers through her to you.
Lord hear my prayer.
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
14th Station
Jesus is buried in the tomb.
Jesus’ friend Joseph who was rich gave his own new tomb for Jesus to be buried in. Jesus is gently placed in the tomb and His body is wrapped in cloth.
Dear Jesus, thank you for coming into this world and showing us how to live. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I will always try to be good, just like you.
Lord hear my prayer
Let us pray
I love you O Lord and I bless You, because by Your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.
Video Resources
Stations of the Cross for Children