Holy Thursday

 Background to Holy Week

We enter in a week made “holy” by the self-surrendering love of Jesus for all of us.  All week, we remember how he loved us.  Whatever we do, no matter how busy or distracted we might be by so many things, we can let the power of this week be in the background of our daily reflections.

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Background to Holy Thursday:

Chrism Mass:

Holy Thursday begins with the celebration of the Chrism Mass.  This is usually celebrated in the Cathedral Church of each Diocese on the morning of Holy Thursday.  It is celebrated with the Bishop and his priests and during this Mass they renew their priestly commitment.  They renew again their “Yes” to God that was first made at their ordination.  This solemn Mass is a sign of unity and fraternity among the priests of a diocese.  During this Mass the holy oils are blessed – the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of Catechumens and the consecration of Chrism. These oils will be used during the coming year for the celebration of the sacraments of the sick, confirmation and ordination.

Mass of the Lord’s Supper:

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper celebrated in the evening,  marks the end of the Lenten season and the beginning of the Easter Tridium – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.  These three sacred days are the highlight of the Christian celebration of the most significant days in the life of Jesus.

In this Mass we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist – where Jesus, gathered with his disciples, offered up the bread and wine and they became his body and blood.

The Annunciation.jpg

Suggested Activity

Create a Prayer Space

Suggested Activity for those celebrating Holy Week and Easter at home:

Create a Sacred Space in your home can help to focus on the sense of the sacred

  • You can use a goblet/cup and a piece of bread


Suggested Activity

Listening to and reflect on the Word of God

1st Reading: Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14

Psalm: Psalms 116:12-13, 15-16BC, 17-18

2nd reading: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Gospel: John 13:1-15

Annunciation 2.gif

Suggested Activity

Reflect on the Word of God

Reflection on Holy Thursday

Lord, I am all yours

Lord Jesus,
How kind and loving you are
to give me your sacred body and precious blood
as food for my soul.
Lord, you are so wise,
you know how weak I am
and how much I need you.
You are the bread of life,
the real drink.
You nourish me
with your divine self.
Lord, how can I thank you
for this wondrous and generous gift,
this magnificent and miraculous sacrament?
Lord, unworthy that I am,
I am all yours. 


Diana Ng-Sutherland/CAFOD


Suggested Activity

Outreach to others…

Ideas for Outreach:

  • Share a meal with your family conscious that you are linked together in a unique way.