Discernment a way of life.

Discernment is not about making decisions or about resolving questions or problems. It is, fundamentally, a way of being. It is about seeing how the Spirit is at work in our lives and in the world. It is about learning how to feel where the Spirit is moving and how to follow that direction. If we learn to tune in then decisions on concrete points will follow more easily.

Personal Discernment Explained

Key Elements of Communal Discernment

Fr Brian Grogan SJ, Click image to access article on Synodality and communal discernment

Fr Brian Grogan SJ, Click image to access article on Synodality and communal discernment

Brian Grogan is a member of the Society of Jesus and a former President of Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy in Dublin, and Associate Professor of Spirituality. He was for a number of years the Director and Editor of Sacred Space, a world-wide online prayer site of the Irish Jesuits. He is currently Superior of the Jesuit Community in Leeson St, Dublin, and recently wrote an article entitled “Give the Spirit the Mic! - A Strategy for Communal Discernment and Synodality”. Click Here to access the article.

It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium.

Pope Francis