Covid 19 Prayer Resources


In this time of COVID-19, we pray:

When we aren't sure, God,
help us be calm;
when information comes
from all sides, correct and not,
help us to discern;
when fear makes it hard to breathe,
and anxiety seems to be the order of the day,
slow us down, God;
help us to reach out with our hearts,
   when we can't touch with our hands;
   help us to be socially connected,
   when we have to be socially distant;
    help us to love as perfectly as we can,
   knowing that "perfect love casts out all fear."

        For the doctors, we pray,
            for the nurses,
we pray,
            for the technicians and  caregivers,
we pray,
            for the researchers and theorists, 
we pray,
            for the epidemiologists and investigators,
we pray,
            for those who are sick, 
we pray

for those who are grieving, we pray,
for all who are affected all around the world,
we pray,
for safety, 
we pray,
for health,  
we pray,
for wholeness, 
we pray.

May we feed the hungry,
give drink to the thirsty,
clothe the naked and house those without homes;
may we walk with those who feel they are alone,
and may we do all that we can to heal
the sick—
in spite of the epidemic,
in spite of the fear.

Help us, O God,
that we might help each other.

In the love of the Creator,
in the name of the Healer,
in the life of the Holy Spirit that is in all and with all,
we pray.

May it be so.


 Adapted from Rev. Richard Bott 


Prayers of the Faithful

Celebrant:  Let us pray for the Church and for the World and let us thank God for His great goodness.  Almighty God, our heavenly Father, you promised through your son Jesus Christ to hear us when we pray in Faith.

1.    We pray for Pope Francis and all our Bishops and Priests who continue to offer prayers and petitions for your people throughout the world.   May we be united with them in truth and love, and show forth your glory in the world.

Lord hear us

2.    We pray for our local community giving thanks for the acts of kindness and neighbourliness shown by so many. We ask your blessing on those who are caring for others at this time – in hospitals, hospices, nursing homes and in family homes.  Be with them in their hopes and fears, in their joys and sorrows.

Lord hear us

3.    We pray for those who suffer. We pray for all those who have self-isolated and for those still suffering from Covid-19 remembering especially those who live alone. Comfort and heal all those who suffer in body mind or spirit. Give them courage and hope in their troubles; and bring them the joy of your salvation.

Lord hear us

4.    Today we pray for the bereaved especially those who have lost those they love to Covid-19 and for those unable to mark their losses in church or with their families.  Lord, your son wept when he heard of the death of his friend, Lazarus, may all those who mourn know your presence alongside them in their grief.

Lord hear us

Celebrant:  We make these prayers through Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord.



Prayers in a time of coronavirus


Love never fails

Even in the darkest moments, love gives hope. 

Love compels us to fight against coronavirus alongside our sisters and brothers living in poverty.

Love compels us to stand together in prayer with our neighbours near and far.

Love compels us to give and act as one. 

Now, it is clear that our futures are bound together more tightly than ever before. 

As we pray in our individual homes – around the nation and around the world – we are united as one family.

So, let us pause and find a moment of peace, as we lift up our hearts together in prayer.

Prayers of thanksgiving and intercession

For the health workers tending the seriously ill

for the scientists working on a vaccination 

for the researchers analysing data and identifying trends

for the media outlets working to communicate reality

for the supermarket workers, hygiene and sanitation providers

for the good news stories of recoveries and effective planning

for the singing from balconies by locked-down communities

for the recognition that isolation doesn’t need to mean loneliness

for the notes through letterboxes offering help and support 

for the internet and telephones and technology that connects

for the awakened appreciation of what is truly important

Thanks be to God.

For those who are unwell and concerned for loved ones

for those who were already very anxious

for those immune suppressed or compromised

for those vulnerable because of underlying conditions

for those in the ‘most at risk to coronavirus’ categories

for those watching their entire income stream dry up

for those who have no choice but to go out to work

for those who are afraid to be at home 

for those who are more lonely than they've ever been

for those who are bereaved and grieving.

God be their healer, comfort and protection,

be their strength, shield and provision

be their security, safety and close companion.

And raise up your Church

to be your well-washed hands and faithful feet 

to be present to the pain

to respond with love in action

if even from a safe distance.

God, in your mercy,

Hear our prayer.


A prayer for times of isolation

‘For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come… will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ (Romans 8:38-39)

God of heaven and earth,

in these times of isolation,

apart from loved ones

distant from friends

away from neighbours

thank you that there is nothing

in all of creation,

not even coronavirus,

that is able to separate us from your love.

And may your love that never fails

continue to be shared

through the kindness of strangers

looking out for each other,

for neighbours near and far

all recognising our shared vulnerability,

each of us grateful for every breath,

and willing everyone to know the gift

of a full and healthy life.

Keep us all in your care. 


Medical Workers.jpg

A prayer for medical workers everywhere

Restoring and healing God,

thank you for medical workers everywhere,

embodying sacrificial love in these challenging times

putting the welfare of others before their own

staying away from their family and loved ones

comforting the concerned and bereaved

reassuring the anxious and vulnerable

working to heal and restore people who are ill.

Be their guide, strength, wisdom and hope.

We pray for those in authority to do right by them

for proper protective equipment to be provided

and for their dedication to be met with much gratitude

and appreciation when they return home, exhausted.

And we pray for medical workers around the world,

where resources and protective equipment

are always in short supply, not only now but always.

May these extraordinary times

lead to deep and necessary changes in how our world works,

resulting in a genuine effort to address the profound injustice

of life expectancy being determined by geography,

to awaken us all to the reality of how connected we all are

and to work together to create the community and world

we all want to be part of.

So help us, God,


A prayer before silence

Loving God,

we seek your presence

in the silence beyond words

looking to you for comfort,

strength, protection and reassurance

breathing with gratitude

holding on to hope

trusting with faith

that you are still God

in the midst of the turmoil

and that your love reaches

to the ends of the earth.

Be present with us now.



A prayer for a global pandemic

‘Love…bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things,
and endures all things.
Love never ends.’
(1 Corinthians 13:7-8)

Loving God,

strengthen our innermost being

with your love that bears all things

even the weight of this global pandemic

even the long haul of watching for symptoms

of patiently waiting for this to pass

watching and waiting,

keeping our gaze fixed on you,

and looking out for our neighbours

near and far.

Instil in our shaken souls

the belief and hope that all things

are possible with your creative love

for strangers to become friends

for science to source solutions

for resources to be generously shared

so everyone, everywhere, may have what they need

for your perfect love that knows no borders

may cast out any fear and selfishness that divides.

May your love that never ends

be our comfort, strength and guide

for the wellbeing of all and

the glory of God.


A prayer for the church

May your love that never fails

strengthen the weak

encourage the fearful

calm the anxious

heal the sick

through your church –

your washed hands

and feet on earth –

distant but still present

virtual but still connected

apart but still helping.

God in your mercy,

hear our prayer.
