Palm Sunday

Children’s Resource

Lenten liturgy.jpg


Ask the children to help set up a sacred space you will need the following:

  • Purple Material (Lenten colour)

  • A candle to represent the presence of God
    (battery candle would be ideal, or get the adult to light the candle)

  • A cross or a children’s bible (or any bible)

  • An image of Mary our Mother

Children’s version of the Gospel for Palm Sunday.

Read the Gospel to the Children, read only the verses below. 

Ask the children to listen carefully.

Matthew 21:1-11 (ICB)

Jesus Enters Jerusalem as a King

21 Jesus and his followers were coming closer to Jerusalem. But first they stopped at Bethphage at the hill called the Mount of Olives. From there Jesus sent two of his followers into the town. He said to them, “Go to the town you can see there. When you enter it, you will find a donkey tied there with its colt. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone asks you why you are taking the donkeys, tell him, ‘The Master needs them. He will send them back soon.’” This was to make clear the full meaning of what the prophet said:

“Tell the people of Jerusalem,
    ‘Your king is coming to you.
He is gentle and riding on a donkey.
    He is on the colt of a donkey.’” Isaiah 62:11Zechariah 9:9

The followers went and did what Jesus told them to do. They brought the donkey and the colt to Jesus. They laid their coats on the donkeys, and Jesus sat on them. Many people spread their coats on the road before Jesus. Others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Some of the people were walking ahead of Jesus. Others were walking behind him. All the people were shouting,

“Praise[a] to the Son of David!
God bless the One who comes in the name of the Lord! Psalm 118:26
Praise to God in heaven!”

10 Then Jesus went into Jerusalem. The city was filled with excitement. The people asked, “Who is this man?”

11 The crowd answered, “This man is Jesus. He is the prophet from the town of Nazareth in Galilee.”


  1. 21:9, 15 Praise Literally, “Hosanna,” a Hebrew word used at first in praying to God for help. At this time it was probably a shout of joy used in praising God or his Messiah.



Jesus arrives in Jerusalem

Activity and Questions

Ask the Children to create the scene, when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey.

You will need:

1.    You will need to make the palm branches; children can draw around their hand for the palm leaf and add a lollypop stick for the branch.

2.    Use a scarf of a piece of material to make a road/ pathway.

3.    Draw a donkey and cut it out on card (free templates can be found on “”)

4.    Draw an image of Jesus on card and cut it out.


Things to Do…

  • Pray the Hail Mary….

  • Draw a picture.

  • Write a kind note.

  • Clear their dinner plates.

  • Help keep their room tidy.


Intercessory Prayers for Children:

  1. God our Father, we pray for all those who have died from the coronavirus, we pray also for our deceased family and friends.

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

2. God our Father, we pray for all who look after the sick and the dying, we remember especially the health care workers, priests, doctors and nurses.

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

3.   God our Father, we pray for peace in our world, country, homes and hearts.  We pray especially for all the innocent people caught up in war within their countries.

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

4.     God our Father, we pray for our church and its leaders, we pray especially for Pope Francis, Archbishop Eamon, Bishop Michael and all our Priests and Deacons.

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

5. Ask the children to pray for their own special intensions

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

Bringing Parish Home

Killaloe Diocese has created this wonderful resource that
gives some advice on how we can ‘Bring Parish Home’ during these uncertain and difficult times.