Fourth Sunday of Lent

Children’s Resource

Lenten liturgy.jpg


As it is Mother’s Day ask the children to
help set us a sacred space you will need the following:

  • Purple Material (Lenten colour)

  • A candle to represent the presence of God
    (battery candle would be ideal, or get the adult to light the candle)

  • A cross or a children’s bible

  • An image of Mary our Mother

  • Flowers

Children’s version of the Gospel for the 4th Sunday in Lent.

Read the Gospel to the Children, read only the verses below. 

Ask the children to listen carefully.

The Gospel is from John 9: 1,5,6-11,32-33,35-38

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been born blind.  While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”  After Jesus said this, he spit on the ground and made some mud with it. He put the mud on the man’s eyes.  Then he told the man, “Go and wash in the Pool of Siloam.” (Siloam means Sent.) So, the man went to the pool. He washed and came back. And he was able to see.

Some people had seen this man begging before. They and the man’s neighbours said, “Look! Is this the same man who always sits and begs?”

Some said, “Yes! He is the one.” But others said, “No, he’s not the same man. He only looks like him.” So, the man himself said, “I am the man.” They asked, “What happened? How did you get your sight?”

He answered, “The man named Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes.
Then he told me to go to Siloam and wash. So, I went and washed and came back seeing.” Nobody has ever heard of anyone
giving sight to a man born blind. If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.”

Spiritual Blindness

Jesus heard that they had thrown him out. So, Jesus found him and said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”

He asked, “Who is the Son of Man, sir? Tell me, so I can believe in him!” Jesus said to him, “You have already seen him. The Son of Man is the one talking with you now.”

He said, “Yes, Lord, I believe!” Then the
man bowed and worshiped Jesus.


Jesus Heals the Blind Man

Activity and Questions

Ask the children to cover their eyes with a blindfold. 

  • Ask them, what is it like?
    What can they hear, smell, touch? 

  • Ask the children to think about the blind man in the story. 

  • How do you think he felt not being able to see? 

  • When Jesus cured his blindness, how do you think the blind man felt then? 

  • What things do you think the blind man saw for the first time? 

  • Can you draw them? 


Things to Do…

  • Pray the Hail Mary….

  • Draw a picture.

  • Write a kind note.

  • Clear their dinner plates.

  • Help keep their room tidy.

  • Ask the children to do something nice for their mother’s or grandmother’s this week, dads can help with this too.


Intercessory Prayers for Children:

  1. Dear God our Father, please look after all the sick people in our world, especially all the people with the coronavirus.

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

2. Dear God our Father, please look after the
doctors, nurses and all the hospital staff who care for the sick.

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

3.   Dear God our Father, please pray for all
the hard workers that keep our shops and chemists open during these difficult times.

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

4.      Dear God our Father, today we remember all
mothers, we ask you to bless them all with good health and happiness.

Lord hear us.

Lord graciously hear us.

5. Invite the children to make up their own

Bringing Parish Home

Killaloe Diocese has created this wonderful resource that gives some advice on how we can ‘Bring Parish Home’ during these uncertain and difficult times.